Luex Healthcare

Spasmolex Capsules


  • Primary Dysmenorrhea
  • Menorrhagia
  • Dental pain

Dosage Information

Primary Dysmenorrhea

  • Adults 18years and above–500mg two to three times daily starting on 1st day of menses for 3-4 days
  • 12-17 years—500mg stat and 250mg six hourly x 3-4/7
  • Maximum dose—1,500mg per day (6 capsules per day)

Pre Menstrual Symptoms

Adults 18years and above—500mg tid x 3-4/7

12-17years—500mg stat and 250mg six hourly 


  • Spasmolex in Combination with Tranexamic acid


Spasmolex   500 tid + Tranexamic acid 1g tid x 3-4/7

Dental pain


  • Spasmolex 500mg tid x 5/7


  • Not recommended for children under 12 years

Unique Selling Points

  • Proven efficacy in the management of acute primary dysmenorrhea.
  • Relatively lesser side effects compared to anti cholinergic agents.
  • Manufactured in an FDA approved facility, under strict quality GMP standards under the lincense of Luex. (UK).