Luex Healthcare

our values

corporate social responsibilities

How we impact and give back to societies and people who has been on this journey with us.

Values In Health Care

LUEX supports the medical community by educating and involving them in the Vihasa Program’s guiding principles. A spiritual, values-based strategy that will enable medical professionals to give their all to the patient’s recovery.

Making A Difference

LUEX provides children and families in a hospital setting with the gift of hope by equipping patients and healthcare workers with a positive, enjoyable, and innovative way of living

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We improve the universe rather than merely taking from it.

The Luex Healthcare Group supports healthcare professionals through the Values in Healthcare initiative as a fundamental component of its corporate social responsibility. Healthcare professionals frequently overlook taking care of themselves as they concentrate on what is best for the patient. Taking care of ourselves is crucial for our own wellbeing as well as that of our patients, as it will serve as a model for patient care.

A healthy lifestyle and avoiding disease are only two aspects of wellbeing. It involves realizing that in addition to the physical (body) aspect of our identity, there are three more aspects-the mental (thinking), emotional (relationships), and spiritual (interior values and beliefs) dimensions-that require nurturing.


Through involving, teaching, and empowering our communities, both locally and worldwide, we meaningfully contribute. Our programs aim to improve, strengthen, and improve the health of our communities.
Para los jugadores del Stakecasino, la salud y el bienestar desempeñan un papel importante. El sitio ofrece servicios y consejos para ayudarle a mantener su salud y evitar el estrés. Cuidarse le permitirá disfrutar del juego y obtener mejores resultados.
Für Parimath-Casinospieler bietet nützliche Tipps zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit und zur Vermeidung von Stress. Unsere Empfehlungen werden Ihnen helfen, in ausgezeichneter körperlicher Verfassung zu bleiben und negative Folgen langer Spielsessions zu vermeiden. Sich um seine Gesundheit zu kümmern, ist der Schlüssel zu einem erfolgreichen und angenehmen Spiel.